Enlistment Captian CS

For public players aspiring to become a member of Tiger Platoon

Moderators: [TP]Mac'Davies, [TP]Kerkhoff, [TP]Nørgaard, [TP]Oliveira, Public Moderators

Captian CS
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Enlistment Captian CS

Postby Captian CS » Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:46 am

Your in-game name: CPT_CS
Age : 21
Nationality : English
Discord ID And Discord Number # : cal_cj
Steam Name : CS
Military experience : No
Preferred task in SQUAD : Armour Tanks
Past experience in form of clans, communities in Squad and in other games : None
Confirm that you are not in any other group, clan or community for any game : Im in no other clan
Why you want to be part of Tiger Platoon (YOUR MOTIVATION) : I wanna learn to be part of a squad team and ive been playing solo for 2 years so time to join a squad
Confirm that you have SQUAD and a working headset : 100%
How did you find out about the Platoon? : Through the squad discord
Do you have a voucher? (Name of TP member who sent you here) : tiger1zerobravo (SSgt Andersson)
Additional information : None

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Re: Enlistment Captian CS

Postby [TP]Oliveira » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:43 pm

Hi Captian CS,

Good fighting tonight, nice to see your application.

Your next step to join Tiger Platoon is to become an Aspirant. For that you will need 5 TP enlisted to vouch for you as a good candidate.
Make sure you join our discord server and we'll reserve a spot for you in one of our infantry squads. Our official gathering times are on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 20:00 CET.

See you on the battlefield,

Cpl Oliveira
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Re: Enlistment Captian CS

Postby [TP]Besselink » Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:32 pm

I played two rounds with Captain CS. Ill vouch for him, he really tries to join the squad and be a active member in the game.

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Re: Enlistment Captian CS

Postby [TP]Yükselen » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:15 pm

He follows orders and he is a teamplayer. I vouch for him.
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Re: Enlistment Captian CS

Postby [TP]Horvat » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:53 pm

I vouch for Captain_CS. He was my buddy pair, he is a good teamplayer, he followed orders and supported the whole squad as a machinegunner.

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Re: Enlistment Captian CS

Postby [TP]Oliveira » Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:08 pm

Application DENIED

Applicant joined another community, we do not recruit from partner clans. Best of luck
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"The natural world is a world of war; the natural man is a warrior; the natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error."
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