Enlistment: Dr.Stein

For public players aspiring to become a member of Tiger Platoon

Moderators: [TP]Mac'Davies, [TP]Kerkhoff, [TP]Nørgaard, [TP]Oliveira, Public Moderators

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Enlistment: Dr.Stein

Postby [TP]Beck » Sun Jan 14, 2024 10:00 pm

Your in-game name: Dr.Stein
Age : 21
Nationality : Hungarian
Discord ID and Discord Number # :dr.doktor.ur
Steam Name : Dr.Stein
Military experience : No
Preferred task in SQUAD : Medic
Past experience in form of clans, communities in Squad and in other games : I used to be a part of a guild in World of Warcraft where we mainly did raids.
Confirm that you are not in any other group, clan or community for any game : I'm not part of any clan or community.
Why you want to be part of Tiger Platoon (YOUR MOTIVATION) : I like the play style of the clan.
Confirm that you have SQUAD and a working headset : I do.
How did you find out about the Platoon? : A friend of mine is part of the clan.
Do you have a voucher? (Name of TP member who sent you here) : Attila.
Additional information : I'm on the clan discord. I'm the classmate of Attila and I played with Kinks and Skovby before in other games.

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Re: Enlistment: Dr.Stein

Postby [TP]Oliveira » Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:08 pm

Hello Dr.Stein,

Excellent to hear you've been fighting close to other Tigers. Keep at it.

Your next step to join Tiger Platoon is to become an Aspirant. For that you will need 5 TP enlisted to vouch for you as a good candidate.
As you have been doing, make sure you join our discord server and we'll reserve a spot for you in one of our infantry squads. Our official gathering times are on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 20:00 CET.

See you on the battlefield,

Cpl Oliveira
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Re: Enlistment: Dr.Stein

Postby [TP]Schwarzwald » Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:57 pm

I|ll vouch for him.
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Re: Enlistment: Dr.Stein

Postby [TP]Burrow » Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:02 am

I vouch for Dr Stein, Thanks for building the repair station tonight, it helped us stay an active threat in your AO. Well Played.
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Re: Enlistment: Dr.Stein

Postby [TP]Miller » Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:44 pm

I'll vouch for Dr Stein. He's been doing well and contributing to our teamplay.
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Re: Enlistment: Dr.Stein

Postby [TP]Roovers » Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:03 pm

I'll vouch for Dr Stein. PLayed good with the medic role.
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Re: Enlistment: Dr.Stein

Postby [TP]Horvat » Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:38 pm

I'll vouch for Dr. Stein. He's doing well as a medic and sticking with his buddy pair. Regular on our seeds.

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Re: Enlistment: Dr.Stein

Postby [TP]Besselink » Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:44 pm

Ill vouch aswell, good games Dr.Stein.

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