Enlistment request

For public players aspiring to become a member of Tiger Platoon

Moderators: [TP]Mac'Davies, [TP]Kerkhoff, [TP]Nørgaard, [TP]Oliveira, Public Moderators

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Enlistment request

Postby Kermit » Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:38 am

Your in-game name: Kermit24
Age : 43
Nationality : British
Steam Name : Kermit24

Military experience : Yes,

Preferred task in SQUAD : Gunner

Past experience in form of clans, communities in Squad and in other games : None.

Confirm that you are not in any other group, clan or community for any game : Yup

Why you want to be part of Tiger Platoon (YOUR MOTIVATION) : Played on your server a few times - chatted with Persson and he suggested I hop on here and say hello...

Confirm that you have SQUAD and a working headset : yes & yes

How did you find out about the Platoon? : As above

Do you have a voucher? (Name of TP member who sent you here) : None/Chatted to Persson

Additional information : Old school gamer - experienced and switched on. Able to lead in RL - just not much experience of doing so in Squad!

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Re: Enlistment request

Postby [TP]Oliveira » Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:44 am

Hello Kermit

Good to see your application. Make sure you join our discord server and join our squads on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 20:00 CET.

Your first step is to become an Aspirant. For that you will need 2 TP members to vouch for you as a good candidate.

See you on the field,

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Re: Enlistment request

Postby [TP]Burrow » Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:43 pm

Hi Kermit,

Glad to see you made it this far, You can join our Discord server so you can find where we are playing that evening.

As Cpl Oliveira mentioned we ask all new aspirants to earn vouchers from existing Tigers, by playing alongside us. We are a Platoon sized unit and always seek like-minded recruits who show quality skills and the desire to learn how we do things in Squad. Even if you make it to Recruit status, we have a 6-month intensive training program, that everyone must undergo.

This gives us time to be sure you are the correct choice and to determine if you wish to spend your time in our Platoon. We are a brotherhood of Tigers who have been around since 2009, so we have seen our share of trauma in that time and we will try to avoid it in the future.

I made this vid a few years ago, it serves as an example of what we try to instill in our recruits.

See you on the Battlefield

Sgt Burrow
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Re: Enlistment request

Postby Kermit » Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:22 pm

Hoping to be able to get some time with you guys tomorrow evening - fingers crossed!

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