Enlistment GewoonJarne

For public players aspiring to become a member of Tiger Platoon

Moderators: [TP]Mac'Davies, [TP]Kerkhoff, [TP]Nørgaard, [TP]Oliveira, Public Moderators

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Enlistment GewoonJarne

Postby Gewoonjarne » Tue May 10, 2022 10:21 pm

Your in-game name: J. Wittevrongel
Age : 18
Nationality : Belgian
Steam Name : Gewoonjarne
Military experience : Yes / No
Preferred task in SQUAD : Rifleman, Machinegunner
Past experience in form of clans, communities in Squad and in other games : In Arma III I was member of a dutch unit called the 5th AMB for about 2 years.
Confirm that you are not in any other group, clan or community for any game : Confirmed
Why you want to be part of Tiger Platoon (YOUR MOTIVATION) : I wanted to join TP because i wanted to extend my experience in milsim, also i want to share my knowledge i've learnt within this year. I always had fun doing milsim in several games like Arma III, but in my opinion SQUAD is currently the better option.
Confirm that you have SQUAD and a working headset : Confirmed
How did you find out about the Platoon? : Via the Steel Division mod and Discord
Do you have a voucher? (Name of TP member who sent you here) : Oliveira
Additional information : /

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Re: Enlistment GewoonJarne

Postby [TP]Oliveira » Sat May 14, 2022 1:16 pm

Hi Gewoonjarne,

Good to see your application.

The minimum age to join the Platoon is 21 years old, it is extremely rare for applicants below that age to pass the selection process. You are welcome to show us what you are made of. Your first step is to become an Aspirant. For that you will need 3 TP members to vouch for you as a good candidate.

Make sure you join our discord server and come play with us on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 20:00 CMT.

See you on the field,

Cpl Oliveira
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Re: Enlistment GewoonJarne

Postby [TP]Nørgaard » Mon Sep 12, 2022 10:52 am

APPLICATION DENIED - Age and lack of activity
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Imitate the action of the tiger;Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage; - Shakespeare

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